
Star wars rogue one dvd plus digital
Star wars rogue one dvd plus digital

star wars rogue one dvd plus digital

If you want to do it in the trilogy movies, then okay. RL: I wonder if those were things the producers added in. Jedha and all the droids, the Gonks, the little chirpy droids on the Death Star, I liked all that. JM: I don’t mind the evaporators and the perimeter things at the start – I love all of that, and it’s great to see that stuff. RL: If it had performed some narrative function, it would’ve been okay, but it was just a nudge in the ribs, wasn’t it? I’m a fan, and it’s actively ruining my enjoyment of this film. The second thing is, every time you throw a reference or a call back… why put R2 and C-3PO in there? It’s not fan service. But with Star Wars, you can’t mess about with a character I’ve looked about for that many hours and expect me to suspend my disbelief. Whether they cut it together from other stuff – that was, like, wow. That effect is amazing, but it doesn’t look real. JM: As soon as he turns around, it’s “Uncanny Valley”. This is the film Suicide Squad should have been in certain respects. It’s a better homage, shall we say, to The Dirty Dozen than Suicide Squad. Rogue One does a much better job of making you feel like you’re seeing flawed people trying to do something good. RL: If you compare it to one film this year, compare it to Suicide Squad. But we’re going to do one thing that redeems us.” That whole speech about “We’ve all done bad things.” It gives a Dirty Dozen feel to it. JM: That’s the turning point, isn’t it? Where he starts questioning what he’s doing. The bit where Diego Luna’s character shot the informer. Tell you what, going back to the beginning, it did set its stall out early. Like Bodhi Rook, the pilot: he was such a cute character, really nice.

star wars rogue one dvd plus digital

I thought they’d do an Alien 3 and let at least one of them get away. It’s this kind of movie.” And it didn’t stop! It’s funny really that the spoiler Jiang Wen gave at the Star Wars Celebration, that Donnie Yen’s character dies – at least in this edit – Baze Malbus dies minutes later! Everyone dies! The first of the Star Wars standalone films, Rogue One is the seventh highest-grossing film of all time in Australia, and has been nominated for two Academy awards.JM: “We’re really doing this, aren’t we?”

Star wars rogue one dvd plus digital