
Kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF
Kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF

Oromo language is a Cushitic language spoken by more than about 50 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Egypt and is the 3rd largest language in Africa.There are more Oromo speakers abroad than the resident population in Ethiopia. The Oromo language, also known as Afaan Oromo.

kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF

‘Kitaaba tokkittiidhaan seenaa namoota kana afranii himuun ni ulfaata.They are the single most dominant largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, where the Oromia country contains a huge Ethiopia’s land area and population. Sirba Irreechaa Afaan Oromoo Haaraa Bara 2019 Sirboota Afan Oromo Haaraa. You can add and remove as many boxes as you want.Kitaaba Afaan Oromoo Pdf 141 > DOWNLOAD (Mirror 1). 2019 sirba haaraa afaan oromoo sirba afaan oromoo haaraa 2019 download. Oromo are mainly farmers and cattle herders. It has its own script and it can be written with Latin script.The oral tradition is very rich and nowadays there are enough literary works written in Oromo modern arts like music and folk arts. In Oromia, it has the status of an official language. Oromia borders Abyssinia in the north, Ogaden and Somalia in the east and south-east, South sudan and Sudan to the west and Kenya in the south.

kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF

It means, it is larger than France, and if Cuba, Bulgaria and Britain were put together, they would be approximately equal to Oromia in size.Out of more than 55 African countires Oromia is exceeded in size by only 17 countries. Oromia issquare miles orsquare kilometers. This makes the Oromo is the third nationality in Africa and single largest nationality in east Africa.The Oromo people mainly practice three different religions. The Oromo population is more than 50 million currently, but the Ethiopian government reported the Oromo people as only 35 million now.

kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF

Oromo language is categorized as a Cushitic language and it is the third most widely spoken language in Africa, after Arabic and Hausa.

kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF


  • Kitaaba faaya oromoo PDF